Build your freelancing business



Allow yourself to earn an income whilst working remotely by building up your freelancing business. A successful freelancing business should allow you to earn on average $40,000-120,000 per year and should also give you the flexibility to be location independent so you can travel whilst you are working.

In addition, you will receive coaching and accountability tracking to help you successfully grow your freelancing business over the first 12 months.

What you will learn & receive?

  • Products that you can sell.
  • Niches that you can target.
  • Guidance
  • Accountability

Why should you invest in this?

Offering services as a freelancer is one of the easiest ways to build a positive cashflow business quickly, that will allow you to earn up to $5,000+ per month.

You will be able to learn the systems, business model, client acquisition tactics, sales & marketing strategies, and pricing strategies to successfully find and win clients for your freelancing business.

Is this business-model applicable to different industries?

Yes. If it is a freelancing business model, you will be able to implement this system.

Below is a screenshot showing some of the freelancing income and fees by successfully freelancing on the Upwork platform.

What will you get in this?

  • How to start your freelancing business.
  • How to create offers for your freelancing business.
  • How to choose the right niche market for your freelancing business.
  • How to find good paying freelancing clients.
  • How to manage your freelancing business profitably.

Additional email or consultancy support and coaching is available if you need this.

How soon should you make a return on your investment with your freelance business?

We expect you to make the money back within 4-12 weeks if you apply yourself correctly. Ideally by the third month of your freelancing business, you will be able to generate $2,000 per month. Between months 6-12, you should be able to earn $5,000+ recurring per month.

Why should you invest in this?

  • If you need a step-by-step solution to grow your location-independent freelancing business.
  • If you want to learn how to get good paying customers that won’t give you a headache.
  • If you want to earn more than $5,000 per month in the next 12-24 months.

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