Digital Nomad Statistics

What is a digital nomad?

If you are doing some research about the digital nomad lifestyle, you can use these statistics and facts that’s been taken from research or statement sources from digital nomad communities or studies.

Digital Nomad Statistics

Preferred budget digital nomad location for <$900 (Excluding Chiang Mai)

LocationPercentage (%)
Penang, Malaysia34
Denpasar, Bali25
Danang, Vietnam13
Moldova, Romania10
Nha Trang, Vietnam6
Bansko, Bulgaria6
Source: Digital Nomad Facebook Poll (Sample size – 108)

What stops people from pursuing a digital nomad lifestyle?

ReasonPercentage (%)
Don’t know how to make enough money60
Don’t know how to get started19
Visas, Taxes, and other reasons11
I have a family3
Other reasons5
Source: Digital Nomad Facebook Poll (Sample size – 260)

Digital nomads are more productive.

Digital nomads have shown a 13% increase in productivity compared to traditional employment.

Source: Stanford Study , Coso Cloud Survey

How many hours a week do digital nomads work?

HoursPercentage (%)
Over 50h23
Under 10h7
Source: Digital Nomad Facebook Poll (Sample size – 274)

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